A handful of cool podcasts have come from within coworking. The Naked Freelancer debuts April 22, Alex Hillman’s Coworking Weekly Show is top-notch, and Coworking Success is full of useful hacks for people who cowork.
Archive | Freelancing
Please don’t call me a freelancer
Is the term “freelancer” just another “F” word? Indieworking founder Katy Tynan searches for a suitable term for the one-third of US workers who work for themselves.
Trading places: coworkers switch cities
Members of Utopic_US in Madrid traveled to the German capital to trade places with members of Betahaus in Berlin. Rafa Moreno of Spanish magazine Zona Coworking tells us what happened.
The 8-hour construct reimagined
In American culture, stress and exhaustion are worn with pride as status symbols. It’s time we reimagine the work week.
The freelancers movement: responding to the erosion of traditional employment
The real driver behind the current shift to a freelancer economy is that companies and governments have lowered their responsibility to workers. Joel Dullroy, author of Independents Unite!, brings us up to date on the Freelancers’ Rights Movement.