Many office managers and employers still have trouble embedding wellness into their workplace or coworking environment. Here are 5 tips to get started. By Scott Colman of Blue Jelly.
5 ways to kit out your shared workplace

Many office managers and employers still have trouble embedding wellness into their workplace or coworking environment. Here are 5 tips to get started. By Scott Colman of Blue Jelly.
If coworking spaces let press coverage outweigh the importance of solid fundamentals, they will find their tenants jumping ship. By Stefan Bhagwandin of Share Your Office.
An interactive list and map of every coworking space in greater NYC, released today by New Worker Magazine, is the first of its kind for New York City.
Croissant turned out to be just the thing to save me from my self-imposed exile from coworking. By James Cropcho.
Expert Raquel Baetz shares what she wished she’d known before a repetitive strain injury left her unable to type without excruciating pain.
While it may not be as cozy as staying home and working with your cat, your coworking space can help you keep your work/life balance in order, especially if you make it a point to use it that way. By Diana McLaren.
Every time I climb, I discover how applicable it is to the act of starting and growing a business. By Katy Tynan, author of Free Agent: The Independent Professional’s Guide to Self-Employment Success.
Coworking spaces have been lauded for “accelerating serendipity,” but what does that really mean? A deeper look into how serendipity works and how it might be measured. By Melissa Mesku.