In Philadelphia, an alchemical concoction of indie spirit and coworking has emerged in the form of Philly Game Forge. Here’s how they forged a thriving indie scene in a city without large traditional game studios.
Forging an indie gaming community

In Philadelphia, an alchemical concoction of indie spirit and coworking has emerged in the form of Philly Game Forge. Here’s how they forged a thriving indie scene in a city without large traditional game studios.
The first Coworking Africa conference will take place in July, indicating that coworking is on the rise in Africa. Proponents contend that coworking is crucial in Africa because it supports a growing middle class of digital workers, freelancers and entrepreneurs.
Now in its fourth year, GCUC is the leading coworking industry event. We talk to Liz Elam about how “juicy” started and what it’s grown into.
For some people who work from coworking spaces, the prospect of hooking up or finding love is part of the draw. Here’s a look at how coworking will be heating up this year.
The Collaborative Spaces Challenge is a crowdfunding initiative aimed at supporting the growth of coworking spaces in the Middle East and North Africa. Over 30 projects, form Iraq, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, are seeking crowdfunding through February 2015.
Did you know there’s a show about coworking? Well, now there are about to be two. We look at a new NBC comedy pilot, executive produced by Jimmy Fallon; and a professional yet homegrown coworking reality TV show produced within the HuB Sarasota coworking space.
DotZero in Karachi, Pakistan, is the country’s first coworking space for entrepreneurs. In incubating startups the space also fosters trust and economic growth in Karachi.
LabCentral, in the heart of the MIT campus, is the world’s first fully resourced coworking laboratory space for life science startups. In an age of increasing transparency and communication in the biotech community, LabCentral seems to be on the forefront of a new way of doing commercial science.